? 支持12個16位解析度的輸入捕捉通道
? 支持上升/下降沿捕捉條件
? 支持輸入上升/下降沿 捕捉中斷
? 支持計數(shù)器重載選項的上升/下降沿 捕捉
? 支持PWM 的所有通道PDMA數(shù)據(jù)搬移功能
#define APBPERIPH_BASE (PERIPH_BASE + 0x00040000)
#define PWM0_BASE (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x18000)
#define PWM0 ((PWM_T *) PWM0_BASE)
#define PWM1 ((PWM_T *) PWM1_BASE)
/** * @brief Configure PWM capture and get the nearest unit time. * @param[in] pwm The pointer of the specified PWM module * - PWM0 : PWM Group 0 * - PWM1 : PWM Group 1 * @param[in] u32ChannelNum PWM channel number. Valid values are between 0~5 * @param[in] u32UnitTimeNsec The unit time of counter * @param[in] u32CaptureEdge The condition to latch the counter. This parameter is not used * @return The nearest unit time in nano second. * @details This function is used to Configure PWM capture and get the nearest unit time. */ uint32_t PWM_ConfigCaptureChannel(PWM_T *pwm, uint32_t u32ChannelNum, uint32_t u32UnitTimeNsec, uint32_t u32CaptureEdge) { uint32_t u32Src; uint32_t u32PWMClockSrc; uint32_t u32NearestUnitTimeNsec; uint16_t u16Prescale = 1, u16CNR = 0xFFFF; if(pwm == PWM0) u32Src = CLK->CLKSEL2 & CLK_CLKSEL2_PWM0SEL_Msk; else//(pwm == PWM1) u32Src = CLK->CLKSEL2 & CLK_CLKSEL2_PWM1SEL_Msk; if(u32Src == 0) { //clock source is from PLL clock u32PWMClockSrc = CLK_GetPLLClockFreq(); } else { //clock source is from PCLK SystemCoreClockUpdate(); u32PWMClockSrc = SystemCoreClock; } u32PWMClockSrc /= 1000; for(u16Prescale = 1; u16Prescale <= 0x1000; u16Prescale++) { u32NearestUnitTimeNsec = (1000000 * u16Prescale) / u32PWMClockSrc; if(u32NearestUnitTimeNsec < u32UnitTimeNsec) { if(u16Prescale == 0x1000) //limit to the maximum unit time(nano second) break; if(!((1000000 * (u16Prescale + 1) > (u32NearestUnitTimeNsec * u32PWMClockSrc)))) break; continue; } break; } // convert to real register value // every two channels share a prescaler PWM_SET_PRESCALER(pwm, u32ChannelNum, --u16Prescale); // set PWM to down count type(edge aligned) (pwm)->CTL1 = ((pwm)->CTL1 & ~(PWM_CTL1_CNTTYPE0_Msk << (2 * u32ChannelNum))) | (1UL << (2 * u32ChannelNum)); // set PWM to auto-reload mode (pwm)->CTL1 &= ~(PWM_CTL1_CNTMODE0_Msk << u32ChannelNum); PWM_SET_CNR(pwm, u32ChannelNum, u16CNR); return (u32NearestUnitTimeNsec); }
比如我選擇PWM0 通道零來說
PWM0->CTL1 &= ~PWM_CTL1_CNTTYPE0_Msk; PWM0->CTL1 |= 0x1; /*Set PWM Timer clock prescaler*/ PWM_SET_PRESCALER(PWM0, 0, 0); // Divided by 1 /*Set PWM Timer duty*/ PWM_SET_CMR(PWM0, 0, 199); /*Set PWM Timer period*/ PWM_SET_CNR(PWM0, 0, 399); /* Set waveform generation */ PWM0->WGCTL0 = 0x10000; PWM0->WGCTL1 = 0x20000; // Enable output of PWM0 channel 0 PWM0->POEN |= PWM_POEN_POEN0_Msk; // Enable PWM0 channel 0 period interrupt, use channel 0 to measure time. PWM0->INTEN0 = (PWM0->INTEN0 & ~PWM_INTEN0_PIEN0_Msk) | PWM_INTEN0_PIEN0_Msk; NVIC_EnableIRQ(PWM0P0_IRQn); // Start PWM0->CNTEN |= PWM_CNTEN_CNTEN0_Msk;//根據(jù)這個是否明白地址?以及如何給地址賦值
#define PWM_CNTEN_CNTEN0_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::CNTEN: CNTEN0 Position */
#define PWM_CNTEN_CNTEN0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CNTEN_CNTEN0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CNTEN: CNTEN0 Mask
#define PERIPH_BASE (0x40000000UL) /*!< (Peripheral) Base Address */
/* Peripheral memory map */
#define APBPERIPH_BASE (PERIPH_BASE + 0x00040000)
#define PWM0_BASE (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x18000) #define PWM0 ((PWM_T *) PWM0_BASE)
#define PERIPH_BASE (0x40000000UL) /*!< (Peripheral) Base Address */
#define APBPERIPH_BASE (PERIPH_BASE + 0x00040000) //
APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x18000 PWMx_BA+0x20=
APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x18000+0X20=1
typedef struct { /** * @var PWM_T::CTL0 * Offset: 0x00 PWM Control Register 0 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[5:0] |CTRLDn |Center Re-Load * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |In up-down counter type, PERIOD will load to PBUF at the end point of each period. * | | |CMPDAT will load to CMPBUF at the center point of a period. * |[13:8] |WINLDENn |Window Load Enable * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |0 = PERIOD will load to PBUF at the end point of each period. * | | |CMPDAT will load to CMPBUF at the end point or center point of each period by setting CTRLD bit. * | | |1 = PERIOD will load to PBUF at the end point of each period. * | | |CMPDAT will load to CMPBUF at the end point of each period when valid reload window is set. * | | |The valid reload window is set by software write 1 to PWM_LOAD register and cleared by hardware after load success. * |[21:16] |IMMLDENn |Immediately Load Enable * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |0 = PERIOD will load to PBUF at the end point of each period. * | | |CMPDAT will load to CMPBUF at the end point or center point of each period by setting CTRLD bit. * | | |1 = PERIOD/CMPDAT will load to PBUF and CMPBUF immediately when software update PERIOD/CMPDAT. * | | |Note: If IMMLDENn is enabled, WINLDENn and CTRLDn will be invalid. * |[24] |GROUPEN |Group Function Enable * | | |0 = The output waveform of each PWM channel are independent. * | | |1 = Unify the PWM_CH2 and PWM_CH4 to output the same waveform as PWM_CH0 and unify the PWM_CH3 and PWM_CH5 to output the same waveform as PWM_CH1. * |[30] |DBGHALT |ICE Debug Mode Counter Halt (Write Protect) * | | |If counter halt is enabled, PWM all counters will keep current value until exit ICE debug mode. * | | |0 = ICE debug mode counter halt disable. * | | |1 = ICE debug mode counter halt enable. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[31] |DBGTRIOFF |ICE Debug Mode Acknowledge Disable (Write Protect) * | | |0 = ICE debug mode acknowledgement effects PWM output. * | | |PWM pin will be forced as tri-state while ICE debug mode acknowledged. * | | |1 = ICE debug mode acknowledgement disabled. * | | |PWM pin will keep output no matter ICE debug mode acknowledged or not. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * @var PWM_T::CTL1 * Offset: 0x04 PWM Control Register 1 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[11:0] |CNTTYPEn |PWM Counter Behavior Type * | | |Each bit n controls corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |00 = Up counter type (supports in capture mode). * | | |01 = Down count type (supports in capture mode). * | | |10 = Up-down counter type. * | | |11 = Reserved. * |[21:16] |CNTMODEn |PWM Counter Mode * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |0 = Auto-reload mode. * | | |1 = One-shot mode. * |[26:24] |OUTMODEn |PWM Output Mode * | | |Each bit n controls the * | | |output mode of * | | |corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |0 = PWM independent mode. * | | |1 = PWM complementary mode. * | | |Note: When operating in group function, these bits must all set to the same mode. * @var PWM_T::SYNC * Offset: 0x08 PWM Synchronization Register * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[2:0] |PHSENn |SYNC Phase Enable * | | |Each bit n controls corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |0 = PWM counter disable to load PHS value. * | | |1 = PWM counter enable to load PHS value. * |[13:8] |SINSRCn |PWM_SYNC_IN Source Selection * | | |Each bit n controls corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |00 = Synchronize source from SYNC_IN or SWSYNC. * | | |01 = Counter equal to 0. * | | |10 = Counter equal to PWM_CMPDATm, m denotes 1, 3, 5. * | | |11 = SYNC_OUT will not be generated. * |[16] |SNFLTEN |PWM_SYNC_IN Noise Filter Enable * | | |0 = Noise filter of input pin PWM_SYNC_IN is Disabled. * | | |1 = Noise filter of input pin PWM_SYNC_IN is Enabled. * |[19:17] |SFLTCSEL |SYNC Edge Detector Filter Clock Selection * | | |000 = Filter clock = HCLK. * | | |001 = Filter clock = HCLK/2. * | | |010 = Filter clock = HCLK/4. * | | |011 = Filter clock = HCLK/8. * | | |100 = Filter clock = HCLK/16. * | | |101 = Filter clock = HCLK/32. * | | |110 = Filter clock = HCLK/64. * | | |111 = Filter clock = HCLK/128. * |[22:20] |SFLTCNT |SYNC Edge Detector Filter Count * | | |The register bits control the counter number of edge detector. * |[23] |SINPINV |SYNC Input Pin Inverse * | | |0 = The state of pin SYNC is passed to the negative edge detector. * | | |1 = The inverted state of pin SYNC is passed to the negative edge detector. * |[26:24] |PHSDIRn |PWM Phase Direction Control * | | |Each bit n controls corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |0 = Control PWM counter count decrement after synchronizing. * | | |1 = Control PWM counter count increment after synchronizing. * @var PWM_T::SWSYNC * Offset: 0x0C PWM Software Control Synchronization Register * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[2:0] |SWSYNCn |Software SYNC Function * | | |Each bit n controls corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |When SINSRCn (PWM_SYNC[13:8]) is selected to 0, SYNC_OUT source is come from SYNC_IN or this bit. * @var PWM_T::CLKSRC * Offset: 0x10 PWM Clock Source Register * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[2:0] |ECLKSRC0 |PWM_CH01 External Clock Source Select * | | |000 = PWMx_CLK, x denotes 0 or 1. * | | |001 = TIMER0 overflow. * | | |010 = TIMER1 overflow. * | | |011 = TIMER2 overflow. * | | |100 = TIMER3 overflow. * | | |Others = Reserved. * |[10:8] |ECLKSRC2 |PWM_CH23 External Clock Source Select * | | |000 = PWMx_CLK, x denotes 0 or 1. * | | |001 = TIMER0 overflow. * | | |010 = TIMER1 overflow. * | | |011 = TIMER2 overflow. * | | |100 = TIMER3 overflow. * | | |Others = Reserved. * |[18:16] |ECLKSRC4 |PWM_CH45 External Clock Source Select * | | |000 = PWMx_CLK, x denotes 0 or 1. * | | |001 = TIMER0 overflow. * | | |010 = TIMER1 overflow. * | | |011 = TIMER2 overflow. * | | |100 = TIMER3 overflow. * | | |Others = Reserved. * @var PWM_T::CLKPSC0_1 * Offset: 0x14 PWM Clock Pre-scale Register 0 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[11:0] |CLKPSC |PWM Counter Clock Pre-Scale * | | |The clock of PWM counter is decided by clock prescaler. * | | |Each PWM pair share one PWM counter clock prescaler. * | | |The clock of PWM counter is divided by (CLKPSC+ 1). * @var PWM_T::CLKPSC2_3 * Offset: 0x18 PWM Clock Pre-scale Register 2 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[11:0] |CLKPSC |PWM Counter Clock Pre-Scale * | | |The clock of PWM counter is decided by clock prescaler. * | | |Each PWM pair share one PWM counter clock prescaler. * | | |The clock of PWM counter is divided by (CLKPSC+ 1). * @var PWM_T::CLKPSC4_5 * Offset: 0x1C PWM Clock Pre-scale Register 4 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[11:0] |CLKPSC |PWM Counter Clock Pre-Scale * | | |The clock of PWM counter is decided by clock prescaler. * | | |Each PWM pair share one PWM counter clock prescaler. * | | |The clock of PWM counter is divided by (CLKPSC+ 1). * @var PWM_T::CNTEN * Offset: 0x20 PWM Counter Enable Register * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[5:0] |CNTENn |PWM Counter Enable * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |0 = PWM Counter and clock prescaler Stop Running. * | | |1 = PWM Counter and clock prescaler Start Running. * @var PWM_T::CNTCLR * Offset: 0x24 PWM Clear Counter Register * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[5:0] |CNTCLRn |Clear PWM Counter Control Bit * | | |It is automatically cleared by hardware. Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |0 = No effect. * | | |1 = Clear 16-bit PWM counter to 0000H. * @var PWM_T::LOAD * Offset: 0x28 PWM Load Register * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[5:0] |LOADn |Re-Load PWM Comparator Register (CMPDAT) Control Bit * | | |This bit is software write, hardware clear when current PWM period end. * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |Write Operation: * | | |0 = No effect. * | | |1 = Set load window of window loading mode. * | | |Read Operation: * | | |0 = No load window is set. * | | |1 = Load window is set. * | | |Note: This bit only use in window loading mode, WINLDENn(PWM_CTL0[13:8]) = 1. * @var PWM_T::PERIOD * Offset: 0x30~0x44 PWM Period Register 0~5 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[15:0] |PERIOD |PWM Period Register * | | |Up-Count mode: In this mode, PWM counter counts from 0 to PERIOD, and restarts from 0. * | | |Down-Count mode: In this mode, PWM counter counts from PERIOD to 0, and restarts from PERIOD. * | | |PWM period time = (PERIOD+1) * PWM_CLK period. * | | |Up-Down-Count mode: In this mode, PWM counter counts from 0 to PERIOD, then decrements to 0 and repeats again. * | | |PWM period time = 2 * PERIOD * PWM_CLK period. * @var PWM_T::CMPDAT * Offset: 0x50~0x64 PWM Comparator Register 0~5 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[15:0] |CMP |PWM Comparator Register * | | |CMP use to compare with CNTR to generate PWM waveform, interrupt and trigger EADC/DAC. * | | |In independent mode, CMPDAT0~5 denote as 6 independent PWM_CH0~5 compared point. * | | |In complementary mode, CMPDAT0, 2, 4 denote as first compared point, and CMPDAT1, 3, 5 denote as second compared point for the corresponding 3 complementary pairs PWM_CH0 and PWM_CH1, PWM_CH2 and PWM_CH3, PWM_CH4 and PWM_CH5. * @var PWM_T::DTCTL0_1 * Offset: 0x70 PWM Dead-Time Control Register 0 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[11:0] |DTCNT |Dead-Time Counter (Write Protect) * | | |The dead-time can be calculated from the following formula: * | | |Dead-time = (DTCNT[11:0]+1) * PWM_CLK period. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[16] |DTEN |Enable Dead-Time Insertion For PWM Pair (PWM_CH0, PWM_CH1) (PWM_CH2, PWM_CH3) (PWM_CH4, PWM_CH5) (Write Protect) * | | |Dead-time insertion is only active when this pair of complementary PWM is enabled. * | | |If dead- time insertion is inactive, the outputs of pin pair are complementary without any delay. * | | |0 = Dead-time insertion Disabled on the pin pair. * | | |1 = Dead-time insertion Enabled on the pin pair. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[24] |DTCKSEL |Dead-Time Clock Select (Write Protect) (M45xD/M45xC Only) * | | |0 = Dead-time clock source from PWM_CLK. * | | |1 = Dead-time clock source from prescaler output. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * @var PWM_T::DTCTL2_3 * Offset: 0x74 PWM Dead-Time Control Register 2 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[11:0] |DTCNT |Dead-Time Counter (Write Protect) * | | |The dead-time can be calculated from the following formula: * | | |Dead-time = (DTCNT[11:0]+1) * PWM_CLK period. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[16] |DTEN |Enable Dead-Time Insertion For PWM Pair (PWM_CH0, PWM_CH1) (PWM_CH2, PWM_CH3) (PWM_CH4, PWM_CH5) (Write Protect) * | | |Dead-time insertion is only active when this pair of complementary PWM is enabled. * | | |If dead- time insertion is inactive, the outputs of pin pair are complementary without any delay. * | | |0 = Dead-time insertion Disabled on the pin pair. * | | |1 = Dead-time insertion Enabled on the pin pair. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[24] |DTCKSEL |Dead-Time Clock Select (Write Protect) (M45xD/M45xC Only) * | | |0 = Dead-time clock source from PWM_CLK. * | | |1 = Dead-time clock source from prescaler output. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * @var PWM_T::DTCTL4_5 * Offset: 0x78 PWM Dead-Time Control Register 4 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[11:0] |DTCNT |Dead-Time Counter (Write Protect) * | | |The dead-time can be calculated from the following formula: * | | |Dead-time = (DTCNT[11:0]+1) * PWM_CLK period. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[16] |DTEN |Enable Dead-Time Insertion For PWM Pair (PWM_CH0, PWM_CH1) (PWM_CH2, PWM_CH3) (PWM_CH4, PWM_CH5) (Write Protect) * | | |Dead-time insertion is only active when this pair of complementary PWM is enabled. * | | |If dead- time insertion is inactive, the outputs of pin pair are complementary without any delay. * | | |0 = Dead-time insertion Disabled on the pin pair. * | | |1 = Dead-time insertion Enabled on the pin pair. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[24] |DTCKSEL |Dead-Time Clock Select (Write Protect) (M45xD/M45xC Only) * | | |0 = Dead-time clock source from PWM_CLK. * | | |1 = Dead-time clock source from prescaler output. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * @var PWM_T::PHS0_1 * Offset: 0x80 PWM Counter Phase Register 0 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[15:0] |PHS |PWM Synchronous Start Phase Bits * | | |PHS determines the PWM synchronous start phase value. These bits only use in synchronous function. * @var PWM_T::PHS2_3 * Offset: 0x84 PWM Counter Phase Register 2 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[15:0] |PHS |PWM Synchronous Start Phase Bits * | | |PHS determines the PWM synchronous start phase value. These bits only use in synchronous function. * @var PWM_T::PHS4_5 * Offset: 0x88 PWM Counter Phase Register 4 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[15:0] |PHS |PWM Synchronous Start Phase Bits * | | |PHS determines the PWM synchronous start phase value. These bits only use in synchronous function. * @var PWM_T::CNT * Offset: 0x90~0xA4 PWM Counter Register 0~5 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[15:0] |CNT |PWM Data Register (Read Only) * | | |User can monitor CNTR to know the current value in 16-bit period counter. * |[16] |DIRF |PWM Direction Indicator Flag (Read Only) * | | |0 = Counter is Down count. * | | |1 = Counter is UP count. * @var PWM_T::WGCTL0 * Offset: 0xB0 PWM Generation Register 0 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[11:0] |ZPCTLn |PWM Zero Point Control * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |00 = Do nothing. * | | |01 = PWM zero point output Low. * | | |10 = PWM zero point output High. * | | |11 = PWM zero point output Toggle. * | | |PWM can control output level when PWM counter count to zero. * |[27:16] |PRDPCTLn |PWM Period (Center) Point Control * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |00 = Do nothing. * | | |01 = PWM period (center) point output Low. * | | |10 = PWM period (center) point output High. * | | |11 = PWM period (center) point output Toggle. * | | |PWM can control output level when PWM counter count to (PERIODn+1). * | | |Note: This bit is center point control when PWM counter operating in up-down counter type. * @var PWM_T::WGCTL1 * Offset: 0xB4 PWM Generation Register 1 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[11:0] |CMPUCTLn |PWM Compare Up Point Control * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |00 = Do nothing. * | | |01 = PWM compare up point output Low. * | | |10 = PWM compare up point output High. * | | |11 = PWM compare up point output Toggle. * | | |PWM can control output level when PWM counter up count to CMPDAT. * | | |Note: In complementary mode, CMPUCTL1, 3, 5 use as another CMPUCTL for channel 0, 2, 4. * |[27:16] |CMPDCTLn |PWM Compare Down Point Control * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |00 = Do nothing. * | | |01 = PWM compare down point output Low. * | | |10 = PWM compare down point output High. * | | |11 = PWM compare down point output Toggle. * | | |PWM can control output level when PWM counter down count to CMPDAT. * | | |Note: In complementary mode, CMPDCTL1, 3, 5 use as another CMPDCTL for channel 0, 2, 4. * @var PWM_T::MSKEN * Offset: 0xB8 PWM Mask Enable Register * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[5:0] |MSKENn |PWM Mask Enable * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |The PWM output signal will be masked when this bit is enabled. * | | |The corresponding PWM channel n will output MSKDATn (PWM_MSK[5:0]) data. * | | |0 = PWM output signal is non-masked. * | | |1 = PWM output signal is masked and output MSKDATn data. * @var PWM_T::MSK * Offset: 0xBC PWM Mask Data Register * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[5:0] |MSKDATn |PWM Mask Data Bit * | | |This data bit control the state of PWMn output pin, if corresponding mask function is enabled. * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |0 = Output logic low to PWMn. * | | |1 = Output logic high to PWMn. * @var PWM_T::BNF * Offset: 0xC0 PWM Brake Noise Filter Register * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[0] |BRK0NFEN |PWM Brake 0 Noise Filter Enable * | | |0 = Noise filter of PWM Brake 0 Disabled. * | | |1 = Noise filter of PWM Brake 0 Enabled. * |[3:1] |BRK0NFSEL |Brake 0 Edge Detector Filter Clock Selection * | | |000 = Filter clock = HCLK. * | | |001 = Filter clock = HCLK/2. * | | |010 = Filter clock = HCLK/4. * | | |011 = Filter clock = HCLK/8. * | | |100 = Filter clock = HCLK/16. * | | |101 = Filter clock = HCLK/32. * | | |110 = Filter clock = HCLK/64. * | | |111 = Filter clock = HCLK/128. * |[6:4] |BRK0FCNT |Brake 0 Edge Detector Filter Count * | | |The register bits control the Brake0 filter counter to count from 0 to BRK1FCNT. * |[7] |BRK0PINV |Brake 0 Pin Inverse * | | |0 = The state of pin PWMx_BRAKE0 is passed to the negative edge detector. * | | |1 = The inverted state of pin PWMx_BRAKE10 is passed to the negative edge detector. * |[8] |BRK1NFEN |PWM Brake 1 Noise Filter Enable * | | |0 = Noise filter of PWM Brake 1 Disabled. * | | |1 = Noise filter of PWM Brake 1 Enabled. * |[11:9] |BRK1NFSEL |Brake 1 Edge Detector Filter Clock Selection * | | |000 = Filter clock = HCLK. * | | |001 = Filter clock = HCLK/2. * | | |010 = Filter clock = HCLK/4. * | | |011 = Filter clock = HCLK/8. * | | |100 = Filter clock = HCLK/16. * | | |101 = Filter clock = HCLK/32. * | | |110 = Filter clock = HCLK/64. * | | |111 = Filter clock = HCLK/128. * |[14:12] |BRK1FCNT |Brake 1 Edge Detector Filter Count * | | |The register bits control the Brake1 filter counter to count from 0 to BRK1FCNT. * |[15] |BRK1PINV |Brake 1 Pin Inverse * | | |0 = The state of pin PWMx_BRAKE1 is passed to the negative edge detector. * | | |1 = The inverted state of pin PWMx_BRAKE1 is passed to the negative edge detector. * |[16] |BK0SRC |Brake 0 Pin Source Select (M45xD/M45xC Only) * | | |For PWM0 setting: * | | |0 = Brake 0 pin source come from PWM0_BRAKE0. * | | |1 = Brake 0 pin source come from PWM1_BRAKE0. * | | |For PWM1 setting: * | | |0 = Brake 0 pin source come from PWM1_BRAKE0. * | | |1 = Brake 0 pin source come from PWM0_BRAKE0. * |[24] |BK1SRC |Brake 1 Pin Source Select (M45xD/M45xC Only) * | | |For PWM0 setting: * | | |0 = Brake 1 pin source come from PWM0_BRAKE1. * | | |1 = Brake 1 pin source come from PWM1_BRAKE1. * | | |For PWM1 setting: * | | |0 = Brake 1 pin source come from PWM1_BRAKE1. * | | |1 = Brake 1 pin source come from PWM0_BRAKE1. * @var PWM_T::FAILBRK * Offset: 0xC4 PWM System Fail Brake Control Register * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[0] |CSSBRKEN |Clock Security System Detection Trigger PWM Brake Function 0 Enable * | | |0 = Brake Function triggered by CSS detection Disabled. * | | |1 = Brake Function triggered by CSS detection Enabled. * |[1] |BODBRKEN |Brown-Out Detection Trigger PWM Brake Function 0 Enable * | | |0 = Brake Function triggered by BOD Disabled. * | | |1 = Brake Function triggered by BOD Enabled. * |[2] |RAMBRKEN |SRAM Parity Error Detection Trigger PWM Brake Function 0 Enable * | | |0 = Brake Function triggered by SRAM parity error detection Disabled. * | | |1 = Brake Function triggered by SRAM parity error detection Enabled. * |[3] |CORBRKEN |Core Lockup Detection Trigger PWM Brake Function 0 Enable * | | |0 = Brake Function triggered by Core lockup detection Disabled. * | | |1 = Brake Function triggered by Core lockup detection Enabled. * @var PWM_T::BRKCTL0_1 * Offset: 0xC8 PWM Brake Edge Detect Control Register 0 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[0] |CPO0EBEN |Enable ACMP0_O Digital Output As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect) * | | |0 = ACMP0_O as edge-detect brake source Disabled. * | | |1 = ACMP0_O as edge-detect brake source Enabled. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[1] |CPO1EBEN |Enable ACMP1_O Digital Output As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect) * | | |0 = ACMP1_O as edge-detect brake source Disabled. * | | |1 = ACMP1_O as edge-detect brake source Enabled. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[4] |BRKP0EEN |Enable PWMx_BRAKE0 Pin As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect) * | | |0 = BKP0 pin as edge-detect brake source Disabled. * | | |1 = BKP0 pin as edge-detect brake source Enabled. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[5] |BRKP1EEN |Enable PWMx_BRAKE1 Pin As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect) * | | |0 = BKP1 pin as edge-detect brake source Disabled. * | | |1 = BKP1 pin as edge-detect brake source Enabled. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[7] |SYSEBEN |Enable System Fail As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect) * | | |0 = System Fail condition as edge-detect brake source Disabled. * | | |1 = System Fail condition as edge-detect brake source Enabled. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[8] |CPO0LBEN |Enable ACMP0_O Digital Output As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect) * | | |0 = ACMP0_O as level-detect brake source Disabled. * | | |1 = ACMP0_O as level-detect brake source Enabled. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[9] |CPO1LBEN |Enable ACMP1_O Digital Output As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect) * | | |0 = ACMP1_O as level-detect brake source Disabled. * | | |1 = ACMP1_O as level-detect brake source Enabled. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[12] |BRKP0LEN |Enable BKP0 Pin As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect) * | | |0 = PWMx_BRAKE0 pin as level-detect brake source Disabled. * | | |1 = PWMx_BRAKE0 pin as level-detect brake source Enabled. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[13] |BRKP1LEN |Enable BKP1 Pin As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect) * | | |0 = PWMx_BRAKE1 pin as level-detect brake source Disabled. * | | |1 = PWMx_BRAKE1 pin as level-detect brake source Enabled. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[15] |SYSLBEN |Enable System Fail As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect) * | | |0 = System Fail condition as level-detect brake source Disabled. * | | |1 = System Fail condition as level-detect brake source Enabled. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[17:16] |BRKAEVEN |PWM Brake Action Select For Even Channel (Write Protect) * | | |00 = PWM even channel level-detect brake function not affect channel output. * | | |01 = PWM even channel output tri-state when level-detect brake happened. * | | |10 = PWM even channel output low level when level-detect brake happened. * | | |11 = PWM even channel output high level when level-detect brake happened. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[19:18] |BRKAODD |PWM Brake Action Select For Odd Channel (Write Protect) * | | |00 = PWM odd channel level-detect brake function not affect channel output. * | | |01 = PWM odd channel output tri-state when level-detect brake happened. * | | |10 = PWM odd channel output low level when level-detect brake happened. * | | |11 = PWM odd channel output high level when level-detect brake happened. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * @var PWM_T::BRKCTL2_3 * Offset: 0xCC PWM Brake Edge Detect Control Register 2 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[0] |CPO0EBEN |Enable ACMP0_O Digital Output As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect) * | | |0 = ACMP0_O as edge-detect brake source Disabled. * | | |1 = ACMP0_O as edge-detect brake source Enabled. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[1] |CPO1EBEN |Enable ACMP1_O Digital Output As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect) * | | |0 = ACMP1_O as edge-detect brake source Disabled. * | | |1 = ACMP1_O as edge-detect brake source Enabled. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[4] |BRKP0EEN |Enable PWMx_BRAKE0 Pin As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect) * | | |0 = BKP0 pin as edge-detect brake source Disabled. * | | |1 = BKP0 pin as edge-detect brake source Enabled. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[5] |BRKP1EEN |Enable PWMx_BRAKE1 Pin As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect) * | | |0 = BKP1 pin as edge-detect brake source Disabled. * | | |1 = BKP1 pin as edge-detect brake source Enabled. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[7] |SYSEBEN |Enable System Fail As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect) * | | |0 = System Fail condition as edge-detect brake source Disabled. * | | |1 = System Fail condition as edge-detect brake source Enabled. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[8] |CPO0LBEN |Enable ACMP0_O Digital Output As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect) * | | |0 = ACMP0_O as level-detect brake source Disabled. * | | |1 = ACMP0_O as level-detect brake source Enabled. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[9] |CPO1LBEN |Enable ACMP1_O Digital Output As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect) * | | |0 = ACMP1_O as level-detect brake source Disabled. * | | |1 = ACMP1_O as level-detect brake source Enabled. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[12] |BRKP0LEN |Enable BKP0 Pin As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect) * | | |0 = PWMx_BRAKE0 pin as level-detect brake source Disabled. * | | |1 = PWMx_BRAKE0 pin as level-detect brake source Enabled. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[13] |BRKP1LEN |Enable BKP1 Pin As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect) * | | |0 = PWMx_BRAKE1 pin as level-detect brake source Disabled. * | | |1 = PWMx_BRAKE1 pin as level-detect brake source Enabled. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[15] |SYSLBEN |Enable System Fail As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect) * | | |0 = System Fail condition as level-detect brake source Disabled. * | | |1 = System Fail condition as level-detect brake source Enabled. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[17:16] |BRKAEVEN |PWM Brake Action Select For Even Channel (Write Protect) * | | |00 = PWM even channel level-detect brake function not affect channel output. * | | |01 = PWM even channel output tri-state when level-detect brake happened. * | | |10 = PWM even channel output low level when level-detect brake happened. * | | |11 = PWM even channel output high level when level-detect brake happened. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[19:18] |BRKAODD |PWM Brake Action Select For Odd Channel (Write Protect) * | | |00 = PWM odd channel level-detect brake function not affect channel output. * | | |01 = PWM odd channel output tri-state when level-detect brake happened. * | | |10 = PWM odd channel output low level when level-detect brake happened. * | | |11 = PWM odd channel output high level when level-detect brake happened. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * @var PWM_T::BRKCTL4_5 * Offset: 0xD0 PWM Brake Edge Detect Control Register 4 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[0] |CPO0EBEN |Enable ACMP0_O Digital Output As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect) * | | |0 = ACMP0_O as edge-detect brake source Disabled. * | | |1 = ACMP0_O as edge-detect brake source Enabled. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[1] |CPO1EBEN |Enable ACMP1_O Digital Output As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect) * | | |0 = ACMP1_O as edge-detect brake source Disabled. * | | |1 = ACMP1_O as edge-detect brake source Enabled. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[4] |BRKP0EEN |Enable PWMx_BRAKE0 Pin As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect) * | | |0 = BKP0 pin as edge-detect brake source Disabled. * | | |1 = BKP0 pin as edge-detect brake source Enabled. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[5] |BRKP1EEN |Enable PWMx_BRAKE1 Pin As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect) * | | |0 = BKP1 pin as edge-detect brake source Disabled. * | | |1 = BKP1 pin as edge-detect brake source Enabled. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[7] |SYSEBEN |Enable System Fail As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect) * | | |0 = System Fail condition as edge-detect brake source Disabled. * | | |1 = System Fail condition as edge-detect brake source Enabled. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[8] |CPO0LBEN |Enable ACMP0_O Digital Output As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect) * | | |0 = ACMP0_O as level-detect brake source Disabled. * | | |1 = ACMP0_O as level-detect brake source Enabled. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[9] |CPO1LBEN |Enable ACMP1_O Digital Output As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect) * | | |0 = ACMP1_O as level-detect brake source Disabled. * | | |1 = ACMP1_O as level-detect brake source Enabled. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[12] |BRKP0LEN |Enable BKP0 Pin As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect) * | | |0 = PWMx_BRAKE0 pin as level-detect brake source Disabled. * | | |1 = PWMx_BRAKE0 pin as level-detect brake source Enabled. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[13] |BRKP1LEN |Enable BKP1 Pin As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect) * | | |0 = PWMx_BRAKE1 pin as level-detect brake source Disabled. * | | |1 = PWMx_BRAKE1 pin as level-detect brake source Enabled. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[15] |SYSLBEN |Enable System Fail As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect) * | | |0 = System Fail condition as level-detect brake source Disabled. * | | |1 = System Fail condition as level-detect brake source Enabled. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[17:16] |BRKAEVEN |PWM Brake Action Select For Even Channel (Write Protect) * | | |00 = PWM even channel level-detect brake function not affect channel output. * | | |01 = PWM even channel output tri-state when level-detect brake happened. * | | |10 = PWM even channel output low level when level-detect brake happened. * | | |11 = PWM even channel output high level when level-detect brake happened. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[19:18] |BRKAODD |PWM Brake Action Select For Odd Channel (Write Protect) * | | |00 = PWM odd channel level-detect brake function not affect channel output. * | | |01 = PWM odd channel output tri-state when level-detect brake happened. * | | |10 = PWM odd channel output low level when level-detect brake happened. * | | |11 = PWM odd channel output high level when level-detect brake happened. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * @var PWM_T::POLCTL * Offset: 0xD4 PWM Pin Polar Inverse Register * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[5:0] |PINVn |PWM PIN Polar Inverse Control * | | |The register controls polarity state of PWM output. * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |0 = PWM output polar inverse Disabled. * | | |1 = PWM output polar inverse Enabled. * @var PWM_T::POEN * Offset: 0xD8 PWM Output Enable Register * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[5:0] |POENn |PWM Pin Output Enable * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |0 = PWM pin at tri-state. * | | |1 = PWM pin in output mode. * @var PWM_T::SWBRK * Offset: 0xDC PWM Software Brake Control Register * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[2:0] |BRKETRGn |PWM Edge Brake Software Trigger (Write Only) (Write Protect) (M45xD/M45xC Only) * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM pair n. * | | |Write 1 to this bit will trigger edge brake, and set BRKEIFn to 1 in PWM_INTSTS1 register. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[10:8] |BRKLTRGn |PWM Level Brake Software Trigger (Write Only) (Write Protect) * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM pair n. * | | |Write 1 to this bit will trigger level brake, and set BRKLIFn to 1 in PWM_INTSTS1 register. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * @var PWM_T::INTEN0 * Offset: 0xE0 PWM Interrupt Enable Register 0 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[5:0] |ZIENn |PWM Zero Point Interrupt Enable * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |0 = Zero point interrupt Disabled. * | | |1 = Zero point interrupt Enabled. * | | |Note: Odd channels will read always 0 at complementary mode. * |[7] |IFAIEN0_1 |PWM_CH0/1 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Interrupt Enable * | | |0 = Interrupt Flag accumulator interrupt Disabled. * | | |1 = Interrupt Flag accumulator interrupt Enabled. * |[13:8] |PIENn |PWM Period Point Interrupt Enable * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |0 = Period point interrupt Disabled. * | | |1 = Period point interrupt Enabled. * | | |Note1: When up-down counter type period point means center point. * | | |Note2: Odd channels will read always 0 at complementary mode. * |[15] |IFAIEN2_3 |PWM_CH2/3 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Interrupt Enable * | | |0 = Interrupt Flag accumulator interrupt Disabled. * | | |1 = Interrupt Flag accumulator interrupt Enabled. * |[21:16] |CMPUIENn |PWM Compare Up Count Interrupt Enable * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |0 = Compare up count interrupt Disabled. * | | |1 = Compare up count interrupt Enabled. * | | |Note: In complementary mode, CMPUIEN1, 3, 5 use as another CMPUIEN for channel 0, 2, 4. * |[23] |IFAIEN4_5 |PWM_CH4/5 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Interrupt Enable * | | |0 = Interrupt Flag accumulator interrupt Disabled. * | | |1 = Interrupt Flag accumulator interrupt Enabled. * |[29:24] |CMPDIENn |PWM Compare Down Count Interrupt Enable * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |0 = Compare down count interrupt Disabled. * | | |1 = Compare down count interrupt Enabled. * | | |Note: In complementary mode, CMPDIEN1, 3, 5 use as another CMPDIEN for channel 0, 2, 4. * @var PWM_T::INTEN1 * Offset: 0xE4 PWM Interrupt Enable Register 1 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[0] |BRKEIEN0_1|PWM Edge-Detect Brake Interrupt Enable For Channel0/1 (Write Protect) * | | |0 = Edge-detect Brake interrupt for channel0/1 Disabled. * | | |1 = Edge-detect Brake interrupt for channel0/1 Enabled. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[1] |BRKEIEN2_3|PWM Edge-Detect Brake Interrupt Enable For Channel2/3 (Write Protect) * | | |0 = Edge-detect Brake interrupt for channel2/3 Disabled. * | | |1 = Edge-detect Brake interrupt for channel2/3 Enabled. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[2] |BRKEIEN4_5|PWM Edge-Detect Brake Interrupt Enable For Channel4/5 (Write Protect) * | | |0 = Edge-detect Brake interrupt for channel4/5 Disabled. * | | |1 = Edge-detect Brake interrupt for channel4/5 Enabled. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[8] |BRKLIEN0_1|PWM Level-Detect Brake Interrupt Enable For Channel0/1 (Write Protect) * | | |0 = Level-detect Brake interrupt for channel0/1 Disabled. * | | |1 = Level-detect Brake interrupt for channel0/1 Enabled. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[9] |BRKLIEN2_3|PWM Level-Detect Brake Interrupt Enable For Channel2/3 (Write Protect) * | | |0 = Level-detect Brake interrupt for channel2/3 Disabled. * | | |1 = Level-detect Brake interrupt for channel2/3 Enabled. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[10] |BRKLIEN4_5|PWM Level-Detect Brake Interrupt Enable For Channel4/5 (Write Protect) * | | |0 = Level-detect Brake interrupt for channel4/5 Disabled. * | | |1 = Level-detect Brake interrupt for channel4/5 Enabled. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * @var PWM_T::INTSTS0 * Offset: 0xE8 PWM Interrupt Flag Register 0 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[5:0] |ZIFn |PWM Zero Point Interrupt Flag * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |This bit is set by hardware when PWM counter reaches zero, software can write 1 to clear this bit to zero. * |[7] |IFAIF0_1 |PWM_CH0/1 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Interrupt Flag * | | |Flag is set by hardware when condition match IFSEL0_1 in PWM_IFA register, software can clear this bit by writing 1 to it. * |[13:8] |PIFn |PWM Period Point Interrupt Flag * | | |This bit is set by hardware when PWM counter reaches PWM_PERIODn, software can write 1 to clear this bit to zero. * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * |[15] |IFAIF2_3 |PWM_CH2/3 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Interrupt Flag * | | |Flag is set by hardware when condition match IFSEL2_3 in PWM_IFA register, software can clear this bit by writing 1 to it. * |[21:16] |CMPUIFn |PWM Compare Up Count Interrupt Flag * | | |Flag is set by hardware when PWM counter up count and reaches PWM_CMPDATn, software can clear this bit by writing 1 to it. * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |Note1: If CMPDAT equal to PERIOD, this flag is not working in up counter type selection. * | | |Note2: In complementary mode, CMPUIF1, 3, 5 use as another CMPUIF for channel 0, 2, 4. * |[23] |IFAIF4_5 |PWM_CH4/5 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Interrupt Flag * | | |Flag is set by hardware when condition match IFSEL4_5 in PWM_IFA register, software can clear this bit by writing 1 to it. * |[29:24] |CMPDIFn |PWM Compare Down Count Interrupt Flag * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |Flag is set by hardware when PWM counter down count and reaches PWM_CMPDATn, software can clear this bit by writing 1 to it. * | | |Note1: If CMPDAT equal to PERIOD, this flag is not working in down counter type selection. * | | |Note2: In complementary mode, CMPDIF1, 3, 5 use as another CMPDIF for channel 0, 2, 4. * @var PWM_T::INTSTS1 * Offset: 0xEC PWM Interrupt Flag Register 1 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[0] |BRKEIF0 |PWM Channel0 Edge-Detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect) * | | |0 = PWM channel0 edge-detect brake event do not happened. * | | |1 = When PWM channel0 edge-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[1] |BRKEIF1 |PWM Channel1 Edge-Detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect) * | | |0 = PWM channel1 edge-detect brake event do not happened. * | | |1 = When PWM channel1 edge-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[2] |BRKEIF2 |PWM Channel2 Edge-Detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect) * | | |0 = PWM channel2 edge-detect brake event do not happened. * | | |1 = When PWM channel2 edge-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[3] |BRKEIF3 |PWM Channel3 Edge-Detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect) * | | |0 = PWM channel3 edge-detect brake event do not happened. * | | |1 = When PWM channel3 edge-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[4] |BRKEIF4 |PWM Channel4 Edge-Detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect) * | | |0 = PWM channel4 edge-detect brake event do not happened. * | | |1 = When PWM channel4 edge-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[5] |BRKEIF5 |PWM Channel5 Edge-Detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect) * | | |0 = PWM channel5 edge-detect brake event do not happened. * | | |1 = When PWM channel5 edge-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[8] |BRKLIF0 |PWM Channel0 Level-Detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect) * | | |0 = PWM channel0 level-detect brake event do not happened. * | | |1 = When PWM channel0 level-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[9] |BRKLIF1 |PWM Channel1 Level-Detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect) * | | |0 = PWM channel1 level-detect brake event do not happened. * | | |1 = When PWM channel1 level-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[10] |BRKLIF2 |PWM Channel2 Level-Detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect) * | | |0 = PWM channel2 level-detect brake event do not happened. * | | |1 = When PWM channel2 level-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[11] |BRKLIF3 |PWM Channel3 Level-Detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect) * | | |0 = PWM channel3 level-detect brake event do not happened. * | | |1 = When PWM channel3 level-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[12] |BRKLIF4 |PWM Channel4 Level-Detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect) * | | |0 = PWM channel4 level-detect brake event do not happened. * | | |1 = When PWM channel4 level-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[13] |BRKLIF5 |PWM Channel5 Level-Detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect) * | | |0 = PWM channel5 level-detect brake event do not happened. * | | |1 = When PWM channel5 level-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear. * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register. * |[16] |BRKESTS0 |PWM Channel0 Edge-Detect Brake Status * | | |0 = PWM channel0 edge-detect brake state is released. * | | |1 = When PWM channel0 edge-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel0 at brake state, writing 1 to clear. * |[17] |BRKESTS1 |PWM Channel1 Edge-Detect Brake Status * | | |0 = PWM channel1 edge-detect brake state is released. * | | |1 = When PWM channel1 edge-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel1 at brake state, writing 1 to clear. * |[18] |BRKESTS2 |PWM Channel2 Edge-Detect Brake Status * | | |0 = PWM channel2 edge-detect brake state is released. * | | |1 = When PWM channel2 edge-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel2 at brake state, writing 1 to clear. * |[19] |BRKESTS3 |PWM Channel3 Edge-Detect Brake Status * | | |0 = PWM channel3 edge-detect brake state is released. * | | |1 = When PWM channel3 edge-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel3 at brake state, writing 1 to clear. * |[20] |BRKESTS4 |PWM Channel4 Edge-Detect Brake Status * | | |0 = PWM channel4 edge-detect brake state is released. * | | |1 = When PWM channel4 edge-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel4 at brake state, writing 1 to clear. * |[21] |BRKESTS5 |PWM Channel5 Edge-Detect Brake Status * | | |0 = PWM channel5 edge-detect brake state is released. * | | |1 = When PWM channel5 edge-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel5 at brake state, writing 1 to clear. * |[24] |BRKLSTS0 |PWM Channel0 Level-Detect Brake Status (Read Only) * | | |0 = PWM channel0 level-detect brake state is released. * | | |1 = When PWM channel0 level-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel0 at brake state. * | | |Note: This bit is read only and auto cleared by hardware. * | | |When enabled brake source return to high level, PWM will release brake state until current PWM period finished. * | | |The PWM waveform will start output from next full PWM period. * |[25] |BRKLSTS1 |PWM Channel1 Level-Detect Brake Status (Read Only) * | | |0 = PWM channel1 level-detect brake state is released. * | | |1 = When PWM channel1 level-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel1 at brake state. * | | |Note: This bit is read only and auto cleared by hardware. * | | |When enabled brake source return to high level, PWM will release brake state until current PWM period finished. * | | |The PWM waveform will start output from next full PWM period. * |[26] |BRKLSTS2 |PWM Channel2 Level-Detect Brake Status (Read Only) * | | |0 = PWM channel2 level-detect brake state is released. * | | |1 = When PWM channel2 level-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel2 at brake state. * | | |Note: This bit is read only and auto cleared by hardware. * | | |When enabled brake source return to high level, PWM will release brake state until current PWM period finished. * | | |The PWM waveform will start output from next full PWM period. * |[27] |BRKLSTS3 |PWM Channel3 Level-Detect Brake Status (Read Only) * | | |0 = PWM channel3 level-detect brake state is released. * | | |1 = When PWM channel3 level-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel3 at brake state. * | | |Note: This bit is read only and auto cleared by hardware. * | | |When enabled brake source return to high level, PWM will release brake state until current PWM period finished. * | | |The PWM waveform will start output from next full PWM period. * |[28] |BRKLSTS4 |PWM Channel4 Level-Detect Brake Status (Read Only) * | | |0 = PWM channel4 level-detect brake state is released. * | | |1 = When PWM channel4 level-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel4 at brake state. * | | |Note: This bit is read only and auto cleared by hardware. * | | |When enabled brake source return to high level, PWM will release brake state until current PWM period finished. * | | |The PWM waveform will start output from next full PWM period. * |[29] |BRKLSTS5 |PWM Channel5 Level-Detect Brake Status (Read Only) * | | |0 = PWM channel5 level-detect brake state is released. * | | |1 = When PWM channel5 level-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel5 at brake state. * | | |Note: This bit is read only and auto cleared by hardware. * | | |When enabled brake source return to high level, PWM will release brake state until current PWM period finished. * | | |The PWM waveform will start output from next full PWM period. * @var PWM_T::IFA * Offset: 0xF0 PWM Interrupt Flag Accumulator Register * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[3:0] |IFCNT0_1 |PWM_CH0 And PWM_CH1 Interrupt Flag Counter * | | |The register sets the count number which defines how many times of PWM_CH0 and PWM_CH1 period occurs to set bit IFAIF0_1 to request the PWM period interrupt. * | | |PWM flag will be set in every IFCNT0_1 [3:0] times of PWM period. * |[6:4] |IFSEL0_1 |PWM_CH0 And PWM_CH1 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Source Select * | | |000 = CNT equal to Zero in channel 0. * | | |001 = CNT equal to PERIOD in channel 0. * | | |010 = CNT equal to CMPU in channel 0. * | | |011 = CNT equal to CMPD in channel 0. * | | |100 = CNT equal to Zero in channel 1. * | | |101 = CNT equal to PERIOD in channel 1. * | | |110 = CNT equal to CMPU in channel 1. * | | |111 = CNT equal to CMPD in channel 1. * |[7] |IFAEN0_1 |PWM_CH0 And PWM_CH1 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Enable * | | |0 = PWM_CH0 and PWM_CH1 interrupt flag accumulator disable. * | | |1 = PWM_CH0 and PWM_CH1 interrupt flag accumulator enable. * |[11:8] |IFCNT2_3 |PWM_CH2 And PWM_CH3 Interrupt Flag Counter * | | |The register sets the count number which defines how many times of PWM_CH2 and PWM_CH3 period occurs to set bit IFAIF2_3 to request the PWM period interrupt. * | | |PWM flag will be set in every IFCNT2_3[3:0] times of PWM period. * |[14:12] |IFSEL2_3 |PWM_CH2 And PWM_CH3 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Source Select * | | |000 = CNT equal to Zero in channel 2. * | | |001 = CNT equal to PERIOD in channel 2. * | | |010 = CNT equal to CMPU in channel 2. * | | |011 = CNT equal to CMPD in channel 2. * | | |100 = CNT equal to Zero in channel 3. * | | |101 = CNT equal to PERIOD in channel 3. * | | |110 = CNT equal to CMPU in channel 3. * | | |111 = CNT equal to CMPD in channel 3. * |[15] |IFAEN2_3 |PWM_CH2 And PWM_CH3 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Enable * | | |0 = PWM_CH2 and PWM_CH3 interrupt flag accumulator disable. * | | |1 = PWM_CH2 and PWM_CH3 interrupt flag accumulator enable. * |[19:16] |IFCNT4_5 |PWM_CH4 And PWM_CH5 Interrupt Flag Counter * | | |The register sets the count number which defines how many times of PWM_CH4 and PWM_CH5 period occurs to set bit IFAIF4_5 to request the PWM period interrupt. * | | |PWM flag will be set in every IFCNT4_5[3:0] times of PWM period. * |[22:20] |IFSEL4_5 |PWM_CH4 And PWM_CH5 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Source Select * | | |000 = CNT equal to Zero in channel 4. * | | |001 = CNT equal to PERIOD in channel 4. * | | |010 = CNT equal to CMPU in channel 4. * | | |011 = CNT equal to CMPD in channel 4. * | | |100 = CNT equal to Zero in channel 5. * | | |101 = CNT equal to PERIOD in channel 5. * | | |110 = CNT equal to CMPU in channel 5. * | | |111 = CNT equal to CMPD in channel 5. * |[23] |IFAEN4_5 |PWM_CH4 And PWM_CH5 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Enable * | | |0 = PWM_CH4 and PWM_CH5 interrupt flag accumulator disable. * | | |1 = PWM_CH4 and PWM_CH5 interrupt flag accumulator enable. * @var PWM_T::DACTRGEN * Offset: 0xF4 PWM Trigger DAC Enable Register * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[5:0] |ZTEn |PWM Zero Point Trigger DAC Enable * | | |0 = PWM period point trigger DAC function Disabled. * | | |1 = PWM period point trigger DAC function Enabled. * | | |PWM can trigger EADC/DAC/DMA to start action when PWM counter down count to zero if this bit is set to 1. * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * |[13:8] |PTEn |PWM Period Point Trigger DAC Enable * | | |0 = PWM period point trigger DAC function Disabled. * | | |1 = PWM period point trigger DAC function Enabled. * | | |PWM can trigger DAC to start action when PWM counter up count to (PERIODn+1) if this bit is set to 1. * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * |[21:16] |CUTRGEn |PWM Compare Up Count Point Trigger DAC Enable * | | |0 = PWM Compare Up point trigger DAC function Disabled. * | | |1 = PWM Compare Up point trigger DAC function Enabled. * | | |PWM can trigger DAC to start action when PWM counter up count to CMPDAT if this bit is set to 1. * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |Note1: This bit should keep at 0 when PWM counter operating in down counter type. * | | |Note2: In complementary mode, CUTRGE1, 3, 5 use as another CUTRGE for channel 0, 2, 4. * |[29:24] |CDTRGEn |PWM Compare Down Count Point Trigger DAC Enable * | | |0 = PWM Compare Down count point trigger DAC function Disabled. * | | |1 = PWM Compare Down count point trigger DAC function Enabled. * | | |PWM can trigger DAC to start action when PWM counter down count to CMPDAT if this bit is set to 1. * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |Note1: This bit should keep at 0 when PWM counter operating in up counter type. * | | |Note2: In complementary mode, CDTRGE1, 3, 5 use as another CDTRGE for channel 0, 2, 4. * @var PWM_T::EADCTS0 * Offset: 0xF8 PWM Trigger EADC Source Select Register 0 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[3:0] |TRGSEL0 |PWM_CH0 Trigger EADC Source Select * | | |0000 = PWM_CH0 zero point. * | | |0001 = PWM_CH0 period point. * | | |0010 = PWM_CH0 zero or period point. * | | |0011 = PWM_CH0 up-count CMPDAT point. * | | |0100 = PWM_CH0 down-count CMPDAT point. * | | |0101 = PWM_CH1 zero point. * | | |0110 = PWM_CH1 period point. * | | |0111 = PWM_CH1 zero or period point. * | | |1000 = PWM_CH1 up-count CMPDAT point. * | | |1001 = PWM_CH1 down-count CMPDAT point. * | | |1010 = PWM_CH0 up-count free CMPDAT point. * | | |1011 = PWM_CH0 down-count free CMPDAT point. * | | |1100 = PWM_CH2 up-count free CMPDAT point. * | | |1101 = PWM_CH2 down-count free CMPDAT point. * | | |1110 = PWM_CH4 up-count free CMPDAT point. * | | |1111 = PWM_CH4 down-count free CMPDAT point. * |[7] |TRGEN0 |PWM_CH0 Trigger EADC enable bit * |[11:8] |TRGSEL1 |PWM_CH1 Trigger EADC Source Select * | | |0000 = PWM_CH0 zero point. * | | |0001 = PWM_CH0 period point. * | | |0010 = PWM_CH0 zero or period point. * | | |0011 = PWM_CH0 up-count CMPDAT point. * | | |0100 = PWM_CH0 down-count CMPDAT point. * | | |0101 = PWM_CH1 zero point. * | | |0110 = PWM_CH1 period point. * | | |0111 = PWM_CH1 zero or period point. * | | |1000 = PWM_CH1 up-count CMPDAT point. * | | |1001 = PWM_CH1 down-count CMPDAT point. * | | |1010 = PWM_CH0 up-count free CMPDAT point. * | | |1011 = PWM_CH0 down-count free CMPDAT point. * | | |1100 = PWM_CH2 up-count free CMPDAT point. * | | |1101 = PWM_CH2 down-count free CMPDAT point. * | | |1110 = PWM_CH4 up-count free CMPDAT point. * | | |1111 = PWM_CH4 down-count free CMPDAT point. * |[15] |TRGEN1 |PWM_CH1 Trigger EADC enable bit * |[19:16] |TRGSEL2 |PWM_CH2 Trigger EADC Source Select * | | |0000 = PWM_CH2 zero point. * | | |0001 = PWM_CH2 period point. * | | |0010 = PWM_CH2 zero or period point. * | | |0011 = PWM_CH2 up-count CMPDAT point. * | | |0100 = PWM_CH2 down-count CMPDAT point. * | | |0101 = PWM_CH3 zero point. * | | |0110 = PWM_CH3 period point. * | | |0111 = PWM_CH3 zero or period point. * | | |1000 = PWM_CH3 up-count CMPDAT point. * | | |1001 = PWM_CH3 down-count CMPDAT point. * | | |1010 = PWM_CH0 up-count free CMPDAT point. * | | |1011 = PWM_CH0 down-count free CMPDAT point. * | | |1100 = PWM_CH2 up-count free CMPDAT point. * | | |1101 = PWM_CH2 down-count free CMPDAT point. * | | |1110 = PWM_CH4 up-count free CMPDAT point. * | | |1111 = PWM_CH4 down-count free CMPDAT point. * |[23] |TRGEN2 |PWM_CH2 Trigger EADC enable bit * |[27:24] |TRGSEL3 |PWM_CH3 Trigger EADC Source Select * | | |0000 = PWM_CH2 zero point. * | | |0001 = PWM_CH2 period point. * | | |0010 = PWM_CH2 zero or period point. * | | |0011 = PWM_CH2 up-count CMPDAT point. * | | |0100 = PWM_CH2 down-count CMPDAT point. * | | |0101 = PWM_CH3 zero point. * | | |0110 = PWM_CH3 period point. * | | |0111 = PWM_CH3 zero or period point. * | | |1000 = PWM_CH3 up-count CMPDAT point. * | | |1001 = PWM_CH3 down-count CMPDAT point. * | | |1010 = PWM_CH0 up-count free CMPDAT point. * | | |1011 = PWM_CH0 down-count free CMPDAT point. * | | |1100 = PWM_CH2 up-count free CMPDAT point. * | | |1101 = PWM_CH2 down-count free CMPDAT point. * | | |1110 = PWM_CH4 up-count free CMPDAT point. * | | |1111 = PWM_CH4 down-count free CMPDAT point. * |[31] |TRGEN3 |PWM_CH3 Trigger EADC enable bit * @var PWM_T::EADCTS1 * Offset: 0xFC PWM Trigger EADC Source Select Register 1 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[3:0] |TRGSEL4 |PWM_CH4 Trigger EADC Source Select * | | |0000 = PWM_CH4 zero point. * | | |0001 = PWM_CH4 period point. * | | |0010 = PWM_CH4 zero or period point. * | | |0011 = PWM_CH4 up-count CMPDAT point. * | | |0100 = PWM_CH4 down-count CMPDAT point. * | | |0101 = PWM_CH5 zero point. * | | |0110 = PWM_CH5 period point. * | | |0111 = PWM_CH5 zero or period point. * | | |1000 = PWM_CH5 up-count CMPDAT point. * | | |1001 = PWM_CH5 down-count CMPDAT point. * | | |1010 = PWM_CH0 up-count free CMPDAT point. * | | |1011 = PWM_CH0 down-count free CMPDAT point. * | | |1100 = PWM_CH2 up-count free CMPDAT point. * | | |1101 = PWM_CH2 down-count free CMPDAT point. * | | |1110 = PWM_CH4 up-count free CMPDAT point. * | | |1111 = PWM_CH4 down-count free CMPDAT point. * |[7] |TRGEN4 |PWM_CH4 Trigger EADC enable bit * |[11:8] |TRGSEL5 |PWM_CH5 Trigger EADC Source Select * | | |0000 = PWM_CH4 zero point. * | | |0001 = PWM_CH4 period point. * | | |0010 = PWM_CH4 zero or period point. * | | |0011 = PWM_CH4 up-count CMPDAT point. * | | |0100 = PWM_CH4 down-count CMPDAT point. * | | |0101 = PWM_CH5 zero point. * | | |0110 = PWM_CH5 period point. * | | |0111 = PWM_CH5 zero or period point. * | | |1000 = PWM_CH5 up-count CMPDAT point. * | | |1001 = PWM_CH5 down-count CMPDAT point. * | | |1010 = PWM_CH0 up-count free CMPDAT point. * | | |1011 = PWM_CH0 down-count free CMPDAT point. * | | |1100 = PWM_CH2 up-count free CMPDAT point. * | | |1101 = PWM_CH2 down-count free CMPDAT point. * | | |1110 = PWM_CH4 up-count free CMPDAT point. * | | |1111 = PWM_CH4 down-count free CMPDAT point. * |[15] |TRGEN5 |PWM_CH5 Trigger EADC enable bit * @var PWM_T::FTCMPDAT0_1 * Offset: 0x100 PWM Free Trigger Compare Register 0 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[15:0] |FTCMP |PWM Free Trigger Compare Register * | | |FTCMP use to compare with even CNTR to trigger EADC. * | | |FTCMPDAT0, 2, 4 corresponding complementary pairs PWM_CH0and PWM_CH1, PWM_CH2 and PWM_CH3, PWM_CH4 and PWM_CH5. * @var PWM_T::FTCMPDAT2_3 * Offset: 0x104 PWM Free Trigger Compare Register 2 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[15:0] |FTCMP |PWM Free Trigger Compare Register * | | |FTCMP use to compare with even CNTR to trigger EADC. * | | |FTCMPDAT0, 2, 4 corresponding complementary pairs PWM_CH0and PWM_CH1, PWM_CH2 and PWM_CH3, PWM_CH4 and PWM_CH5. * @var PWM_T::FTCMPDAT4_5 * Offset: 0x108 PWM Free Trigger Compare Register 4 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[15:0] |FTCMP |PWM Free Trigger Compare Register * | | |FTCMP use to compare with even CNTR to trigger EADC. * | | |FTCMPDAT0, 2, 4 corresponding complementary pairs PWM_CH0and PWM_CH1, PWM_CH2 and PWM_CH3, PWM_CH4 and PWM_CH5. * @var PWM_T::SSCTL * Offset: 0x110 PWM Synchronous Start Control Register * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[5:0] |SSENn |PWM Synchronous Start Function Enable * | | |When synchronous start function is enabled, the PWM counter enable register (PWM_CNTEN) can be enabled by writing PWM synchronous start trigger bit (CNTSEN). * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |0 = PWM synchronous start function Disabled. * | | |1 = PWM synchronous start function Enabled. * @var PWM_T::SSTRG * Offset: 0x114 PWM Synchronous Start Trigger Register * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[0] |CNTSEN |PWM Counter Synchronous Start Enable (Write Only) * | | |PMW counter synchronous enable function is used to make selected PWM channels (include PWM0_CHx and PWM1_CHx) start counting at the same time. * | | |Writing this bit to 1 will also set the counter enable bit (CNTENn, n denotes channel 0 to 5) if correlated PWM channel counter synchronous start function is enabled. * | | |Note: This bit only present in PWM0_BA. * @var PWM_T::STATUS * Offset: 0x120 PWM Status Register * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[5:0] |CNTMAXFn |Time-Base Counter Equal To 0xFFFF Latched Flag * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |0 = indicates the time-base counter never reached its maximum value 0xFFFF. * | | |1 = indicates the time-base counter reached its maximum value, software can write 1 to clear this bit. * |[10:8] |SYNCINFn |Input Synchronization Latched Flag * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |0 = Indicates no SYNC_IN event has occurred. * | | |1 = Indicates an SYNC_IN event has occurred, software can write 1 to clear this bit. * |[21:16] |ADCTRGFn |EADC Start Of Conversion Flag * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |0 = Indicates no EADC start of conversion trigger event has occurred. * | | |1 = Indicates an EADC start of conversion trigger event has occurred, software can write 1 to clear this bit. * |[24] |DACTRGF |DAC Start Of Conversion Flag * | | |0 = Indicates no DAC start of conversion trigger event has occurred. * | | |1 = Indicates an DAC start of conversion trigger event has occurred, software can write 1 to clear this bit * @var PWM_T::CAPINEN * Offset: 0x200 PWM Capture Input Enable Register * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[5:0] |CAPINENn |Capture Input Enable * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |0 = PWM Channel capture input path Disabled. * | | |The input of PWM channel capture function is always regarded as 0. * | | |1 = PWM Channel capture input path Enabled. * | | |The input of PWM channel capture function comes from correlative multifunction pin. * @var PWM_T::CAPCTL * Offset: 0x204 PWM Capture Control Register * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[5:0] |CAPENn |Capture Function Enable * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |0 = Capture function Disabled. RCAPDAT/FCAPDAT register will not be updated. * | | |1 = Capture function Enabled. * | | |Capture latched the PWM counter value when detected rising or falling edge of input signal and saved to RCAPDAT (Rising latch) and FCAPDAT (Falling latch). * |[13:8] |CAPINVn |Capture Inverter Enable * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |0 = Capture source inverter Disabled. * | | |1 = Capture source inverter Enabled. Reverse the input signal from GPIO. * |[21:16] |RCRLDENn |Rising Capture Reload Enable * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |0 = Rising capture reload counter Disabled. * | | |1 = Rising capture reload counter Enabled. * |[29:24] |FCRLDENn |Falling Capture Reload Enable * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |0 = Falling capture reload counter Disabled. * | | |1 = Falling capture reload counter Enabled. * @var PWM_T::CAPSTS * Offset: 0x208 PWM Capture Status Register * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[5:0] |CRLIFOVn |Capture Rising Latch Interrupt Flag Overrun Status (Read Only) * | | |This flag indicates if rising latch happened when the corresponding CRLIF is 1. * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |Note: This bit will be cleared automatically when user clear corresponding CRLIF. * |[13:8] |CFLIFOVn |Capture Falling Latch Interrupt Flag Overrun Status (Read Only) * | | |This flag indicates if falling latch happened when the corresponding CFLIF is 1. * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |Note: This bit will be cleared automatically when user clear corresponding CFLIF. * @var PWM_T::RCAPDAT0 * Offset: 0x20C PWM Rising Capture Data Register 0 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[15:0] |RCAPDAT |PWM Rising Capture Data Register (Read Only) * | | |When rising capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register. * @var PWM_T::FCAPDAT0 * Offset: 0x210 PWM Falling Capture Data Register 0 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[15:0] |FCAPDAT |PWM Falling Capture Data Register (Read Only) * | | |When falling capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register. * @var PWM_T::RCAPDAT1 * Offset: 0x214 PWM Rising Capture Data Register 1 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[15:0] |RCAPDAT |PWM Rising Capture Data Register (Read Only) * | | |When rising capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register. * @var PWM_T::FCAPDAT1 * Offset: 0x218 PWM Falling Capture Data Register 1 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[15:0] |FCAPDAT |PWM Falling Capture Data Register (Read Only) * | | |When falling capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register. * @var PWM_T::RCAPDAT2 * Offset: 0x21C PWM Rising Capture Data Register 2 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[15:0] |RCAPDAT |PWM Rising Capture Data Register (Read Only) * | | |When rising capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register. * @var PWM_T::FCAPDAT2 * Offset: 0x220 PWM Falling Capture Data Register 2 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[15:0] |FCAPDAT |PWM Falling Capture Data Register (Read Only) * | | |When falling capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register. * @var PWM_T::RCAPDAT3 * Offset: 0x224 PWM Rising Capture Data Register 3 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[15:0] |RCAPDAT |PWM Rising Capture Data Register (Read Only) * | | |When rising capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register. * @var PWM_T::FCAPDAT3 * Offset: 0x228 PWM Falling Capture Data Register 3 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[15:0] |FCAPDAT |PWM Falling Capture Data Register (Read Only) * | | |When falling capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register. * @var PWM_T::RCAPDAT4 * Offset: 0x22C PWM Rising Capture Data Register 4 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[15:0] |RCAPDAT |PWM Rising Capture Data Register (Read Only) * | | |When rising capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register. * @var PWM_T::FCAPDAT4 * Offset: 0x230 PWM Falling Capture Data Register 4 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[15:0] |FCAPDAT |PWM Falling Capture Data Register (Read Only) * | | |When falling capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register. * @var PWM_T::RCAPDAT5 * Offset: 0x234 PWM Rising Capture Data Register 5 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[15:0] |RCAPDAT |PWM Rising Capture Data Register (Read Only) * | | |When rising capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register. * @var PWM_T::FCAPDAT5 * Offset: 0x238 PWM Falling Capture Data Register 5 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[15:0] |FCAPDAT |PWM Falling Capture Data Register (Read Only) * | | |When falling capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register. * @var PWM_T::PDMACTL * Offset: 0x23C PWM PDMA Control Register * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[0] |CHEN0_1 |Channel 0/1 PDMA Enable * | | |0 = Channel 0/1 PDMA function Disabled. * | | |1 = Channel 0/1 PDMA function Enabled for the channel 0/1 captured data and transfer to memory. * |[2:1] |CAPMOD0_1 |Select PWM_RCAPDAT0/1 Or PWM_FCAPDAT0/1 To Do PDMA Transfer * | | |00 = Reserved. * | | |01 = PWM_RCAPDAT0/1. * | | |10 = PWM_FCAPDAT0/1. * | | |11 = Both PWM_RCAPDAT0/1 and PWM_FCAPDAT0/1. * |[3] |CAPORD0_1 |Capture Channel 0/1 Rising/Falling Order * | | |Set this bit to determine whether the PWM_RCAPDAT0/1 or PWM_FCAPDAT0/1 is the first captured data transferred to memory through PDMA when CAPMOD0_1 = 11. * | | |0 = PWM_FCAPDAT0/1 is the first captured data to memory. * | | |1 = PWM_RCAPDAT0/1 is the first captured data to memory. * |[4] |CHSEL0_1 |Select Channel 0/1 To Do PDMA Transfer * | | |0 = Channel0. * | | |1 = Channel1. * |[8] |CHEN2_3 |Channel 2/3 PDMA Enable * | | |0 = Channel 2/3 PDMA function Disabled. * | | |1 = Channel 2/3 PDMA function Enabled for the channel 2/3 captured data and transfer to memory. * |[10:9] |CAPMOD2_3 |Select PWM_RCAPDAT2/3 Or PWM_FCAODAT2/3 To Do PDMA Transfer * | | |00 = Reserved. * | | |01 = PWM_RCAPDAT2/3. * | | |10 = PWM_FCAPDAT2/3. * | | |11 = Both PWM_RCAPDAT2/3 and PWM_FCAPDAT2/3. * |[11] |CAPORD2_3 |Capture Channel 2/3 Rising/Falling Order * | | |Set this bit to determine whether the PWM_RCAPDAT2/3 or PWM_FCAPDAT2/3 is the first captured data transferred to memory through PDMA when CAPMOD2_3 = 11. * | | |0 = PWM_FCAPDAT2/3 is the first captured data to memory. * | | |1 = PWM_RCAPDAT2/3 is the first captured data to memory. * |[12] |CHSEL2_3 |Select Channel 2/3 To Do PDMA Transfer * | | |0 = Channel2. * | | |1 = Channel3. * |[16] |CHEN4_5 |Channel 4/5 PDMA Enable * | | |0 = Channel 4/5 PDMA function Disabled. * | | |1 = Channel 4/5 PDMA function Enabled for the channel 4/5 captured data and transfer to memory. * |[18:17] |CAPMOD4_5 |Select PWM_RCAPDAT4/5 Or PWM_FCAPDAT4/5 To Do PDMA Transfer * | | |00 = Reserved. * | | |01 = PWM_RCAPDAT4/5. * | | |10 = PWM_FCAPDAT4/5. * | | |11 = Both PWM_RCAPDAT4/5 and PWM_FCAPDAT4/5. * |[19] |CAPORD4_5 |Capture Channel 4/5 Rising/Falling Order * | | |Set this bit to determine whether the PWM_RCAPDAT4/5 or PWM_FCAPDAT4/5 is the first captured data transferred to memory through PDMA when CAPMOD4_5 = 11. * | | |0 = PWM_FCAPDAT4/5 is the first captured data to memory. * | | |1 = PWM_RCAPDAT4/5 is the first captured data to memory. * |[20] |CHSEL4_5 |Select Channel 4/5 To Do PDMA Transfer * | | |0 = Channel4. * | | |1 = Channel5. * @var PWM_T::PDMACAP0_1 * Offset: 0x240 PWM Capture Channel 01 PDMA Register * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[15:0] |CAPBUF |PWM Capture PDMA Register * | | |(Read Only) * | | |This register is use as a buffer to transfer PWM capture rising or falling data to memory by PDMA. * @var PWM_T::PDMACAP2_3 * Offset: 0x244 PWM Capture Channel 23 PDMA Register * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[15:0] |CAPBUF |PWM Capture PDMA Register * | | |(Read Only) * | | |This register is use as a buffer to transfer PWM capture rising or falling data to memory by PDMA. * @var PWM_T::PDMACAP4_5 * Offset: 0x248 PWM Capture Channel 45 PDMA Register * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[15:0] |CAPBUF |PWM Capture PDMA Register * | | |(Read Only) * | | |This register is use as a buffer to transfer PWM capture rising or falling data to memory by PDMA. * @var PWM_T::CAPIEN * Offset: 0x250 PWM Capture Interrupt Enable Register * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[5:0] |CAPRIENn |PWM Capture Rising Latch Interrupt Enable * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |0 = Capture rising edge latch interrupt Disabled. * | | |1 = Capture rising edge latch interrupt Enabled. * | | |Note: When Capture with PDMA operating, CINTENR corresponding channel CAPRIEN must be disabled. * |[13:8] |CAPFIENn |PWM Capture Falling Latch Interrupt Enable * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |0 = Capture falling edge latch interrupt Disabled. * | | |1 = Capture falling edge latch interrupt Enabled. * | | |Note: When Capture with PDMA operating, CINTENR corresponding channel CAPFIEN must be disabled. * @var PWM_T::CAPIF * Offset: 0x254 PWM Capture Interrupt Flag Register * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[5:0] |CRLIFn |PWM Capture Rising Latch Interrupt Flag * | | |This bit is writing 1 to clear. Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |0 = No capture rising latch condition happened. * | | |1 = Capture rising latch condition happened, this flag will be set to high. * | | |Note: When Capture with PDMA operating, CIFR corresponding channel CRLIF will cleared by hardware after PDMA transfer data. * |[13:8] |CFLIFn |PWM Capture Falling Latch Interrupt Flag * | | |This bit is writing 1 to clear. Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * | | |0 = No capture falling latch condition happened. * | | |1 = Capture falling latch condition happened, this flag will be set to high. * | | |Note: When Capture with PDMA operating, CIFR corresponding channel CFLIF will cleared by hardware after PDMA transfer data. * @var PWM_T::PBUF * Offset: 0x304~0x318 PWM PERIOD0~5 Buffer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[15:0] |PBUF |PWM Period Register Buffer * | | |(Read Only) * | | |Used as PERIOD active register. * @var PWM_T::CMPBUF * Offset: 0x31C~0x330 PWM CMPDAT0~5 Buffer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[15:0] |CMPBUF |PWM Comparator Register Buffer * | | |(Read Only) * | | |Used as CMP active register. * @var PWM_T::FTCBUF0_1 * Offset: 0x340 PWM FTCMPDAT0_1 Buffer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[15:0] |FTCMPBUF |PWM FTCMPDAT Buffer (Read Only) * | | |Used as FTCMPDAT active register. * @var PWM_T::FTCBUF2_3 * Offset: 0x344 PWM FTCMPDAT2_3 Buffer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[15:0] |FTCMPBUF |PWM FTCMPDAT Buffer (Read Only) * | | |Used as FTCMPDAT active register. * @var PWM_T::FTCBUF4_5 * Offset: 0x348 PWM FTCMPDAT4_5 Buffer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[15:0] |FTCMPBUF |PWM FTCMPDAT Buffer (Read Only) * | | |Used as FTCMPDAT active register. * @var PWM_T::FTCI * Offset: 0x34C PWM FTCMPDAT Indicator Register * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * |Bits |Field |Descriptions * | :----: | :----: | :---- | * |[2:0] |FTCMUn |PWM FTCMPDAT Up Indicator * | | |Indicator will be set to high when FTCMPDATn equal to PERIODn and DIRF=1, software can write 1 to clear this bit. * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. * |[10:8] |FTCMDn |PWM FTCMPDAT Down Indicator * | | |Indicator will be set to high when FTCMPDATn equal to PERIODn and DIRF=0, software can write 1 to clear this bit. * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n. */ __IO uint32_t CTL0; /* Offset: 0x00 PWM Control Register 0 */ __IO uint32_t CTL1; /* Offset: 0x04 PWM Control Register 1 */ __IO uint32_t SYNC; /* Offset: 0x08 PWM Synchronization Register */ __IO uint32_t SWSYNC; /* Offset: 0x0C PWM Software Control Synchronization Register */ __IO uint32_t CLKSRC; /* Offset: 0x10 PWM Clock Source Register */ __IO uint32_t CLKPSC0_1; /* Offset: 0x14 PWM Clock Pre-scale Register 0 */ __IO uint32_t CLKPSC2_3; /* Offset: 0x18 PWM Clock Pre-scale Register 2 */ __IO uint32_t CLKPSC4_5; /* Offset: 0x1C PWM Clock Pre-scale Register 4 */ __IO uint32_t CNTEN; /* Offset: 0x20 PWM Counter Enable Register */ __IO uint32_t CNTCLR; /* Offset: 0x24 PWM Clear Counter Register */ __IO uint32_t LOAD; /* Offset: 0x28 PWM Load Register */ __I uint32_t RESERVE0[1]; __IO uint32_t PERIOD[6]; /* Offset: 0x30~0x44 PWM Period Register 0~5 */ __I uint32_t RESERVE1[2]; __IO uint32_t CMPDAT[6]; /* Offset: 0x50~0x64 PWM Comparator Register 0~5 */ __I uint32_t RESERVE2[2]; __IO uint32_t DTCTL0_1; /* Offset: 0x70 PWM Dead-Time Control Register 0 */ __IO uint32_t DTCTL2_3; /* Offset: 0x74 PWM Dead-Time Control Register 2 */ __IO uint32_t DTCTL4_5; /* Offset: 0x78 PWM Dead-Time Control Register 4 */ __I uint32_t RESERVE3[1]; __IO uint32_t PHS0_1; /* Offset: 0x80 PWM Counter Phase Register 0 */ __IO uint32_t PHS2_3; /* Offset: 0x84 PWM Counter Phase Register 2 */ __IO uint32_t PHS4_5; /* Offset: 0x88 PWM Counter Phase Register 4 */ __I uint32_t RESERVE4[1]; __I uint32_t CNT[6]; /* Offset: 0x90~0xA4 PWM Counter Register 0~5 */ __I uint32_t RESERVE5[2]; __IO uint32_t WGCTL0; /* Offset: 0xB0 PWM Generation Register 0 */ __IO uint32_t WGCTL1; /* Offset: 0xB4 PWM Generation Register 1 */ __IO uint32_t MSKEN; /* Offset: 0xB8 PWM Mask Enable Register */ __IO uint32_t MSK; /* Offset: 0xBC PWM Mask Data Register */ __IO uint32_t BNF; /* Offset: 0xC0 PWM Brake Noise Filter Register */ __IO uint32_t FAILBRK; /* Offset: 0xC4 PWM System Fail Brake Control Register */ __IO uint32_t BRKCTL0_1; /* Offset: 0xC8 PWM Brake Edge Detect Control Register 0 */ __IO uint32_t BRKCTL2_3; /* Offset: 0xCC PWM Brake Edge Detect Control Register 2 */ __IO uint32_t BRKCTL4_5; /* Offset: 0xD0 PWM Brake Edge Detect Control Register 4 */ __IO uint32_t POLCTL; /* Offset: 0xD4 PWM Pin Polar Inverse Register */ __IO uint32_t POEN; /* Offset: 0xD8 PWM Output Enable Register */ __O uint32_t SWBRK; /* Offset: 0xDC PWM Software Brake Control Register */ __IO uint32_t INTEN0; /* Offset: 0xE0 PWM Interrupt Enable Register 0 */ __IO uint32_t INTEN1; /* Offset: 0xE4 PWM Interrupt Enable Register 1 */ __IO uint32_t INTSTS0; /* Offset: 0xE8 PWM Interrupt Flag Register 0 */ __IO uint32_t INTSTS1; /* Offset: 0xEC PWM Interrupt Flag Register 1 */ __IO uint32_t IFA; /* Offset: 0xF0 PWM Interrupt Flag Accumulator Register */ __IO uint32_t DACTRGEN; /* Offset: 0xF4 PWM Trigger DAC Enable Register */ __IO uint32_t EADCTS0; /* Offset: 0xF8 PWM Trigger EADC Source Select Register 0 */ __IO uint32_t EADCTS1; /* Offset: 0xFC PWM Trigger EADC Source Select Register 1 */ __IO uint32_t FTCMPDAT0_1; /* Offset: 0x100 PWM Free Trigger Compare Register 0 */ __IO uint32_t FTCMPDAT2_3; /* Offset: 0x104 PWM Free Trigger Compare Register 2 */ __IO uint32_t FTCMPDAT4_5; /* Offset: 0x108 PWM Free Trigger Compare Register 4 */ __I uint32_t RESERVE6[1]; __IO uint32_t SSCTL; /* Offset: 0x110 PWM Synchronous Start Control Register */ __O uint32_t SSTRG; /* Offset: 0x114 PWM Synchronous Start Trigger Register */ __I uint32_t RESERVE7[2]; __IO uint32_t STATUS; /* Offset: 0x120 PWM Status Register */ __I uint32_t RESERVE8[55]; __IO uint32_t CAPINEN; /* Offset: 0x200 PWM Capture Input Enable Register */ __IO uint32_t CAPCTL; /* Offset: 0x204 PWM Capture Control Register */ __I uint32_t CAPSTS; /* Offset: 0x208 PWM Capture Status Register */ __I uint32_t RCAPDAT0; /* Offset: 0x20C PWM Rising Capture Data Register 0 */ __I uint32_t FCAPDAT0; /* Offset: 0x210 PWM Falling Capture Data Register 0 */ __I uint32_t RCAPDAT1; /* Offset: 0x214 PWM Rising Capture Data Register 1 */ __I uint32_t FCAPDAT1; /* Offset: 0x218 PWM Falling Capture Data Register 1 */ __I uint32_t RCAPDAT2; /* Offset: 0x21C PWM Rising Capture Data Register 2 */ __I uint32_t FCAPDAT2; /* Offset: 0x220 PWM Falling Capture Data Register 2 */ __I uint32_t RCAPDAT3; /* Offset: 0x224 PWM Rising Capture Data Register 3 */ __I uint32_t FCAPDAT3; /* Offset: 0x228 PWM Falling Capture Data Register 3 */ __I uint32_t RCAPDAT4; /* Offset: 0x22C PWM Rising Capture Data Register 4 */ __I uint32_t FCAPDAT4; /* Offset: 0x230 PWM Falling Capture Data Register 4 */ __I uint32_t RCAPDAT5; /* Offset: 0x234 PWM Rising Capture Data Register 5 */ __I uint32_t FCAPDAT5; /* Offset: 0x238 PWM Falling Capture Data Register 5 */ __IO uint32_t PDMACTL; /* Offset: 0x23C PWM PDMA Control Register */ __I uint32_t PDMACAP0_1; /* Offset: 0x240 PWM Capture Channel 01 PDMA Register */ __I uint32_t PDMACAP2_3; /* Offset: 0x244 PWM Capture Channel 23 PDMA Register */ __I uint32_t PDMACAP4_5; /* Offset: 0x248 PWM Capture Channel 45 PDMA Register */ __I uint32_t RESERVE9[1]; __IO uint32_t CAPIEN; /* Offset: 0x250 PWM Capture Interrupt Enable Register */ __IO uint32_t CAPIF; /* Offset: 0x254 PWM Capture Interrupt Flag Register */ __I uint32_t RESERVE10[43]; __I uint32_t PBUF[6]; /* Offset: 0x304~0x318 PWM PERIOD0~5 Buffer */ __I uint32_t CMPBUF[6]; /* Offset: 0x31C~0x330 PWM CMPDAT0~5 Buffer */ __I uint32_t RESERVE11[3]; __I uint32_t FTCBUF0_1; /* Offset: 0x340 PWM FTCMPDAT0_1 Buffer */ __I uint32_t FTCBUF2_3; /* Offset: 0x344 PWM FTCMPDAT2_3 Buffer */ __I uint32_t FTCBUF4_5; /* Offset: 0x348 PWM FTCMPDAT4_5 Buffer */ __IO uint32_t FTCI; /* Offset: 0x34C PWM FTCMPDAT Indicator Register */ } PWM_T;
PWM0 管腳功能通過SYS_GPC_MFPL寄存器配置,PWM1 管腳功能通過SYS_GPC_MFPH寄存
PWM1_BRAKE0 和 PWM1_BRAKE1 管腳功能通過 SYS_GPE_MFPL多功能寄存器配
/* Set PC multi-function pins for PWM0 Channel0~3 */
PWM0_SYNC_OUT 管腳功能通過SYS_GPB_MFPL多功能寄存器配置。
The PWM 時鐘可以通過CLK_APBCLK1[17:16]來使能。
PWM時鐘源通過CLK_CLKSEL2[1:0]來選擇 。
#define CLK_CLKSEL2_PWM0SEL_Pos (0) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL2: PWM0SEL Position */ #define CLK_CLKSEL2_PWM0SEL_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_CLKSEL2_PWM0SEL_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL2: PWM0SEL Mask */ #define CLK_CLKSEL2_PWM1SEL_Pos (1) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL2: PWM1SEL Position */ #define CLK_CLKSEL2_PWM1SEL_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_CLKSEL2_PWM1SEL_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL2: PWM1SEL Mask
#define CLK_CLKSEL2_PWM0SEL_PLL (0x0UL<<CLK_CLKSEL2_PWM0SEL_Pos) /*!< Setting PWM0 clock source as PLL */ #define CLK_CLKSEL2_PWM0SEL_PCLK0 (0x1UL<<CLK_CLKSEL2_PWM0SEL_Pos) /*!< Setting PWM0 clock source as PCLK0 */ CLK->APBCLK1 |= CLK_APBCLK1_PWM0CKEN_Msk; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* PWM clock frequency configuration */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Select HCLK clock divider as 2 */ CLK->CLKDIV0 = (CLK->CLKDIV0 & ~CLK_CLKDIV0_HCLKDIV_Msk) | CLK_CLKDIV0_HCLK(2); /* PWM clock frequency can be set equal or double to HCLK by choosing case 1 or case 2 */ /* case 1.PWM clock frequency is set equal to HCLK: select PWM module clock source as PCLK */ CLK->CLKSEL2 = (CLK->CLKSEL2 & ~CLK_CLKSEL2_PWM0SEL_Msk) | CLK_CLKSEL2_PWM0SEL_PCLK0;
#define CLK_CLKSEL2_PWM0SEL_Pos (0) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL2: PWM0SEL Position */
#define CLK_CLKSEL2_PWM0SEL_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_CLKSEL2_PWM0SEL_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL2: PWM0SEL Mask
PWM0->CTL1 &= ~PWM_CTL1_CNTTYPE0_Msk; PWM0->CTL1 |= 0x1; /*Set PWM Timer clock prescaler*/ PWM_SET_PRESCALER(PWM0, 0, 0); // Divided by 1 /*Set PWM Timer duty*/ PWM_SET_CMR(PWM0, 0, 199); /*Set PWM Timer period*/ PWM_SET_CNR(PWM0, 0, 399); /* Set waveform generation */ PWM0->WGCTL0 = 0x10000; PWM0->WGCTL1 = 0x20000;
/* Set waveform generation */ PWM0->WGCTL0 = 0x10000; PWM0->WGCTL1 = 0x20000; // Enable output of PWM0 channel 0 PWM0->POEN |= PWM_POEN_POEN0_Msk; // Enable PWM0 channel 0 period interrupt, use channel 0 to measure time. PWM0->INTEN0 = (PWM0->INTEN0 & ~PWM_INTEN0_PIEN0_Msk) | PWM_INTEN0_PIEN0_Msk; NVIC_EnableIRQ(PWM0P0_IRQn); // Start PWM0->CNTEN |= PWM_CNTEN_CNTEN0_Msk;
下一篇:AVR 定時器快速PWM模式使用