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作者: 來源: 發(fā)布時間:2020-06-02  瀏覽:5

關(guān)鍵字: DDR3 SDRAM Micron DDR3 SDRAM 型號匯總

編輯:admin  最后修改時間:2020-06-02








    Copyright © 2014-2023 穎特新科技有限公司 All Rights Reserved.  粵ICP備14043402號-4

    • Part Density Part Status RoHS Depth Width Voltage Package Clock Rate
      MT41J128M16HA-125 2Gb EOL Pending Yes 128Mb x16 1.5V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41J128M16HA-125 IT 2Gb EOL Pending Yes 128Mb x16 1.5V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41J128M16HA-15E 2Gb EOL Pending Yes 128Mb x16 1.5V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41J128M16HA-15E AAT 2Gb EOL Pending Yes 128Mb x16 1.5V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41J128M16HA-15E AIT 2Gb EOL Pending Yes 128Mb x16 1.5V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41J128M16HA-15E IT 2Gb EOL Pending Yes 128Mb x16 1.5V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41J128M16HA-15E XIT 2Gb EOL Pending Yes 128Mb x16 1.5V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41J128M16JT-093 2Gb Production Yes 128Mb x16 1.5V FBGA 1066 MHz
      MT41J128M16JT-093G 2Gb Production Yes 128Mb x16 1.5V FBGA 1000 MHz
      MT41J128M16JT-107 2Gb Production Yes 128Mb x16 1.5V FBGA 933 MHz
      MT41J128M16JT-107G 2Gb Production Yes 128Mb x16 1.5V FBGA 900 MHz
      MT41J128M16JT-125 2Gb Production Yes 128Mb x16 1.5V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41J128M8JP-125 1Gb Production Yes 128Mb x8 1.5V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41J128M8JP-15E 1Gb Production Yes 128Mb x8 1.5V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41J128M8JP-15E AIT 1Gb Production Yes 128Mb x8 1.5V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41J128M8JP-15E IT 1Gb Production Yes 128Mb x8 1.5V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41J1G4RA-125 4Gb Production Yes 1Gb x4 1.5V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41J1G4RA-15E 4Gb Production Yes 1Gb x4 1.5V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41J1G4THD-15E 4Gb EOL Pending Yes 1Gb x4 1.5V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41J1G8THE-125 8Gb Production Yes 1Gb x8 1.5V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41J1G8THE-15E 8Gb Production Yes 1Gb x8 1.5V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41J256M16HA-093 4Gb Production Yes 256Mb x16 1.5V FBGA 1066 MHz
      MT41J256M16HA-093G 4Gb Production Yes 256Mb x16 1.5V FBGA 1000 MHz
      MT41J256M16HA-107 4Gb Production Yes 256Mb x16 1.5V FBGA 933 MHz
      MT41J256M16HA-125 4Gb Production Yes 256Mb x16 1.5V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41J256M16RE-107 4Gb EOL Pending Yes 256Mb x16 1.5V FBGA 933 MHz
      MT41J256M16RE-125 4Gb EOL Pending Yes 256Mb x16 1.5V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41J256M16RE-15E 4Gb EOL Pending Yes 256Mb x16 1.5V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41J256M16RE-15E IT 4Gb EOL Pending Yes 256Mb x16 1.5V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41J256M4JP-125 1Gb Production Yes 256Mb x4 1.5V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41J256M4JP-15E 1Gb Production Yes 256Mb x4 1.5V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41J256M8DA-093 2Gb Production Yes 256Mb x8 1.5V FBGA 1066 MHz
      MT41J256M8DA-107 2Gb Production   256Mb x8 1.5V FBGA 933 MHz
      MT41J256M8DA-125 2Gb Production   256Mb x8 1.5V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41J256M8HX-125 2Gb EOL Pending Yes 256Mb x8 1.5V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41J256M8HX-125 IT 2Gb End of Life Yes 256Mb x8 1.5V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41J256M8HX-15E 2Gb EOL Pending Yes 256Mb x8 1.5V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41J256M8HX-15E AAT 2Gb EOL Pending Yes 256Mb x8 1.5V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41J256M8HX-15E AIT 2Gb EOL Pending Yes 256Mb x8 1.5V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41J256M8HX-15E IT 2Gb EOL Pending Yes 256Mb x8 1.5V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41J2G4THE-125 8Gb End of Life Yes 2Gb x4 1.5V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41J2G4THE-15E 8Gb Production Yes 2Gb x4 1.5V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41J512M4DA-125 2Gb Production Yes 512Mb x4 1.5V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41J512M4HX-15E 2Gb End of Life Yes 512Mb x4 1.5V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41J512M8RA-107 4Gb Production Yes 512Mb x8 1.5V FBGA 933 MHz
      MT41J512M8RA-125 4Gb Production Yes 512Mb x8 1.5V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41J512M8RA-15E 4Gb Production Yes 512Mb x8 1.5V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41J512M8RH-093 4Gb Production Yes 512Mb x8 1.5V FBGA 1066 MHz
      MT41J512M8RH-107 4Gb Production Yes 512Mb x8 1.5V FBGA 933 MHz
      MT41J512M8THD-15E 4Gb EOL Pending Yes 512Mb x8 1.5V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41J64M16JT-107G 1Gb EOL Pending Yes 64Mb x16 1.5V FBGA 900 MHz
      MT41J64M16JT-125 1Gb Production Yes 64Mb x16 1.5V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41J64M16JT-15E 1Gb Production Yes 64Mb x16 1.5V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41J64M16JT-15E AAT 1Gb Production Yes 64Mb x16 1.5V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41J64M16JT-15E AIT 1Gb Production Yes 64Mb x16 1.5V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41J64M16JT-15E IT 1Gb Production Yes 64Mb x16 1.5V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41J64M16JT-15E XIT 1Gb Production Yes 64Mb x16 1.5V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41K128M16HA-15E 2Gb EOL Pending Yes 128Mb x16 1.35V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41K128M16HA-15E IT 2Gb EOL Pending Yes 128Mb x16 1.35V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41K128M16JT-107 2Gb Production Yes 128Mb x16 1.35V FBGA 933 MHz
      MT41K128M16JT-107G 2Gb Production Yes 128Mb x16 1.35V FBGA 900 MHz
      MT41K128M16JT-125 2Gb Production Yes 128Mb x16 1.35V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41K128M16JT-125 AAT 2Gb Sampling Yes 128Mb x16 1.35V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41K128M16JT-125 AIT 2Gb Sampling Yes 128Mb x16 1.35V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41K128M16JT-125 IT 2Gb Sampling Yes 128Mb x16 1.35V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41K128M16JT-125 M 2Gb Contact Factory Yes 128Mb x16 1.35V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41K128M16JT-125 XIT 2Gb Sampling Yes 128Mb x16 1.35V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41K128M8JP-15E 1Gb Contact Factory Yes 128Mb x8 1.35V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41K1G4RA-125 4Gb Production Yes 1Gb x4 1.35V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41K1G4RA-15E 4Gb Production Yes 1Gb x4 1.35V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41K1G4RH-107 4Gb Production Yes 1Gb x4 1.35V FBGA 933 MHz
      MT41K1G4RH-125 4Gb Production Yes 1Gb x4 1.35V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41K1G4RH-125 M 4Gb Production Yes 1Gb x4 1.35V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41K1G4THD-15E 4Gb EOL Pending Yes 1Gb x4 1.35V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41K1G4THV-125 4Gb Production Yes 1Gb x4 1.35V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41K1G4THV-15E 4Gb Production Yes 1Gb x4 1.35V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41K1G8THE-15E 8Gb Production Yes 1Gb x8 1.35V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41K1G8TRF-107 8Gb Production Yes 1Gb x8 1.35V FBGA 933 MHz
      MT41K1G8TRF-125 8Gb Production Yes 1Gb x8 1.35V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41K1G8TRF-125 IT 8Gb Sampling Yes 1Gb x8 1.35V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41K1G8TRF-15E 8Gb Production Yes 1Gb x8 1.35V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41K256M16HA-107 4Gb Production Yes 256Mb x16 1.35V FBGA 933 MHz
      MT41K256M16HA-107 IT 4Gb Sampling Yes 256Mb x16 1.35V FBGA 933 MHz
      MT41K256M16HA-107G 4Gb Production Yes 256Mb x16 1.35V FBGA 900 MHz
      MT41K256M16HA-125 4Gb Production Yes 256Mb x16 1.35V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41K256M16HA-125 AAT 4Gb Sampling Yes 256Mb x16 1.35V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41K256M16HA-125 AIT 4Gb Sampling Yes 256Mb x16 1.35V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41K256M16HA-125 IT 4Gb Sampling Yes 256Mb x16 1.35V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41K256M16HA-125 M 4Gb Contact Factory Yes 256Mb x16 1.35V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41K256M16RE-125 4Gb EOL Pending Yes 256Mb x16 1.35V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41K256M16RE-125 M 4Gb Contact Factory Yes 256Mb x16 1.35V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41K256M16RE-15E 4Gb EOL Pending Yes 256Mb x16 1.35V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41K256M16RE-15E IT 4Gb EOL Pending Yes 256Mb x16 1.35V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41K256M16RE-15E M 4Gb Contact Factory Yes 256Mb x16 1.35V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41K256M32SLD-125 8Gb Sampling Yes 256Mb x32 1.35V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41K256M32SLD-125 AIT 4Gb Sampling Yes 256Mb x32 1.35V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41K256M32SLD-125 IT 4Gb Sampling Yes 256Mb x32 1.35V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41K256M32SLD-125 M 8Gb Sampling Yes 256Mb x32 1.35V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41K256M4JP-125 1Gb Production Yes 256Mb x4 1.35V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41K256M4JP-15E 1Gb Production Yes 256Mb x4 1.35V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41K256M8DA-107 2Gb Production   256Mb x8 1.35V FBGA 933 MHz
      MT41K256M8DA-125 2Gb Production Yes 256Mb x8 1.35V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41K256M8DA-125 AAT 2Gb Sampling   256Mb x8 1.35V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41K256M8DA-125 AIT 2Gb Sampling   256Mb x8 1.35V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41K256M8DA-125 IT 2Gb Sampling   256Mb x8 1.35V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41K256M8DA-125 M 2Gb Contact Factory Yes 256Mb x8 1.35V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41K256M8DA-15E 2Gb Production Yes 256Mb x8 1.35V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41K256M8DA-15E M 2Gb Contact Factory Yes 256Mb x8 1.35V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41K256M8HX-15E 2Gb End of Life Yes 256Mb x8 1.35V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41K2G4THE-15E 8Gb Production Yes 2Gb x4 1.35V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41K2G4TRF-107 8Gb Production Yes 2Gb x4 1.35V FBGA 933 MHz
      MT41K2G4TRF-125 8Gb Production Yes 2Gb x4 1.35V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41K2G4TRF-15E 8Gb Production Yes 2Gb x4 1.35V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41K512M16TNA-125 8Gb Sampling Yes 512Mb x16 1.35V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41K512M16TNA-125 M 8Gb Sampling Yes 512Mb x16 1.35V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41K512M4DA-107 2Gb Production   512Mb x4 1.35V FBGA 933 MHz
      MT41K512M4DA-125 2Gb Production Yes 512Mb x4 1.35V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41K512M4HX-15E 2Gb End of Life Yes 512Mb x4 1.35V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41K512M8RA-125 4Gb Production Yes 512Mb x8 1.35V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41K512M8RA-15E 4Gb Production Yes 512Mb x8 1.35V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41K512M8RH-107 4Gb Production Yes 512Mb x8 1.35V FBGA 933 MHz
      MT41K512M8RH-107 IT 4Gb Sampling Yes 512Mb x8 1.35V FBGA 933 MHz
      MT41K512M8RH-125 4Gb Production Yes 512Mb x8 1.35V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41K512M8RH-125 AAT 4Gb Sampling Yes 512Mb x8 1.35V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41K512M8RH-125 AIT 4Gb Sampling Yes 512Mb x8 1.35V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41K512M8RH-125 IT 4Gb Sampling Yes 512Mb x8 1.35V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41K512M8RH-125 M 4Gb Contact Factory Yes 512Mb x8 1.35V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41K512M8THD-15E 4Gb End of Life Yes 512Mb x8 1.35V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41K512M8THV-125 4Gb Production Yes 512Mb x8 1.35V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41K512M8THV-15E 4Gb Production Yes 512Mb x8 1.35V FBGA 667 MHz
      MT41K64M16JT-125 1Gb Production Yes 64Mb x16 1.35V FBGA 800 MHz
      MT41K64M16JT-15E 1Gb Production Yes 64Mb x16 1.35V FBGA 667 MHz